Are Cleansing Balms Right For You?

Are Cleansing Balms Right For You?

What is a Cleansing Balm?

A cleansing balm is very similar to a cleansing oil, in that it has a solid oil component and a surfactant or emulsifier to be able to wash the product off nicely.

This unique combination of oils and surfactants is crucial in the cleansing process, because these tiny molecules bind to dirt, SPF, makeup, debris, and other items that have accumulated onto the surface of your skin throughout the day. It occurs through the process of massaging the product onto dry skin for at least 30 seconds to 1 minute. Afterwards, rinsing off with water washes everything away.

How Do you Use  A Cleansing Balm?

This simple process starts off with a small amount of product in your hand. Next, massage product onto dry skin. For best results, massage for 1 minute, especially in congested areas such as your nose, forehead, chin, etc. It can remove eye make up as well. Finally, add tepid water, massage until a milky texture forms, then rinse off completely and pat dry. 

With a cleansing balm, there is no need to double cleanse afterwards. Follow up with a moisturizer or facial oil of your choice. 

Who Can Benefit Most from A Cleansing Balm?

Because a cleansing balm cleanses the skin without stripping it dry, it will help regulate sebum production (the natural oils our skin secretes). If you have normal, oily or combination skin, this is a great solution. When sebum production is controlled, you will tend to have less blackheads, blockages, and therefore breakouts.

If you have dry skin, this is also great too, because your skin stays hydrated while also it gets cleaned.

If you tend to wear makeup and spf daily, a cleansing balm is a wonderful way to remove those oil soluble molecules. 

In summary, this cleansing blam is for all skin types, and it comes down to a matter of preference on usage. Let us know if you've used a cleansing balm and if you liked or disliked it.

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